- About
About UN Women
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- ‘One Woman’ – The UN Women song
- Directorate
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- Deputy Executive Director for Normative Support, UN System Coordination and Programme Results
- Deputy Executive Director for Resource Management, Sustainability and Partnerships
- Governance
- Guiding documents
- Accountability
- Evaluation
- Audit
- Report wrongdoing
- Employment
- Internship programme
- UN Women Alumni Association
- Procurement
- Procurement principles
- Gender-responsive procurement
- Doing business with UN Women
- Becoming a UN Women vendor
- Contract templates and general conditions of contract
- Vendor protest procedure
- Contact us
What we do
- What we do
Leadership and political participation
- Leadership and political participation
- Facts and figures
- Global norms and standards
- Women’s movements
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- Elections
- Media
Economic empowerment
- Economic empowerment
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- Global Norms and Standards
- Macroeconomic policies and social protection
- Sustainable Development and Climate Change
- Rural women
- Employment and migration
- Ending violence against women
- Facts and figures
- FAQs
- Global norms and standards
- Passing and implementing effective laws and policies
- Services for all women
- Increasing knowledge and awareness
- Creating safe public spaces
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- UNiTE campaign
- Spokesperson on Addressing Sexual Harassment
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- Peace and security
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- Global norms and standards
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- Building and sustaining peace
- Young women in peace and security
- Rule of law: Justice and security
- Women, peace, and security in the work of the UN Security Council
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Humanitarian action
- Humanitarian action
- Facts and figures
- Global norms and standards
- Humanitarian coordination
- Crisis response and recovery
- Disaster risk reduction
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- Global norms and standards
- Strengthening young women's leadership
- Economic empowerment and skills development for young women
- Action on ending violence against young women and girls
- Engaging boys and young men in gender equality
Governance and national planning
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- Facts and figures
- Global norms and standards
- Inclusive National Planning
- Public Sector Reform
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- Sustainable development agenda
- HIV and AIDS
- Facts and figures
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- Leadership and Participation
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- Violence against Women
- Access to Justice
Where we are
- Where we are
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- Regional and country offices
Americas and the Caribbean
- Americas and the Caribbean
- Regional and Country Offices
- Arab States/North Africa
- Regional and country offices
Asia and the Pacific
- Asia and the Pacific
- Regional and country offices
Europe and Central Asia
- Europe and Central Asia
- Regional and Country Offices
- Liaison offices
How we work
- How we work
- Flagship programme initiatives
- Flagship programme: Making Every Woman and Girl Count
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Innovation and technology
- Innovation and technology
- UN Women Global Innovation Coalition for Change
Intergovernmental support
- Intergovernmental support
- Commission on the Status of Women
- Climate change and the environment
- High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development
- Major resolutions
- Other Intergovernmental Processes
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UN system coordination
- UN system coordination
- Global Coordination
- Regional and country coordination
- Gender Mainstreaming
- Promoting UN accountability
- Coordination resources
- UN Coordination Library
Gender parity in the United Nations
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- System-wide strategy
- Gender Focal Points and Focal Points for Women
- Data and statistics
- Laws and policies
- Strategies and tools
- Reports and monitoring
- Other resources
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- Training for gender equality and women's empowerment
- Training Centre services
Research and data
- Research and data
- 电脑ssr软件
- Partnerships
Government partners
- Government partners
- Top government partners
- Core resources
- Non-core resources
- Contribution trends
- Frequently asked questions
- National mechanisms
Civil society
- Civil society
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Businesses and philanthropies
- Businesses and philanthropies
- Benefits of partnering with UN Women
- Business and philanthropic partners
- National Committees
Goodwill Ambassadors
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- Danai Gurira
- Nicole Kidman
- Anne Hathaway
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- Emma Watson
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- Princess Bajrakitiyabha Mahidol
- Tong Dawei
- 电脑ssr软件
- Muniba Mazari
- Sania Mirza
- Camila Pitanga
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Media collaboration
- Media collaboration
- UN Women Media Compact
News and events
- News and events
- News
- Editorial series
In Focus
- In Focus
- Gender equality matters in COVID-19 response
- Generation Equality Action Pack, March 2023
- International Women’s Day
- International Day of Women and Girls in Science
- Generation Equality action pack, January 2023
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- Generation Equality action pack, November 2023: Generation Equality Stands against Rape
- Women, peace and security
- Generation Equality action pack, October 2023
- International Day of Rural Women
- International Day of the Girl Child
- 74th session of the UN General Assembly
- World Humanitarian Day
- International Youth Day
- International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples
- World Refugee Day
- Women and girls in sport
- International Girls in ICT Day
- CSW63
- CSW62
- 电脑ssr软件
- In Focus: Climate action by, and for, women
- Indigenous women’s rights and activism
- Empowering women to conserve our oceans
- CSW61
- Women refugees and migrants
- CSW60
- Financing: Why it matters for women and girls
- Engaging Men
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- MDG Momentum
- Strengthening Women’s Access to Justice
- Events
- Media contacts
Digital library
- Digital library
- Publications
- Multimedia
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- SDG monitoring report
- Progress of the world’s women
- World survey on the role of women in development
- Reprint permissions
- GenderTerm
Executive Board
- Executive Board
Strategic Plan
- Strategic Plan
- Impact Area
- Outcome Area 1
- Outcome Area 2
- Outcome Area 3
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- OEE-1
- OEE-2
- OEE-3
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- Global Overview
- Resources
- Calendar
- Membership
- Bureau
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Session documents
- Session documents
- 2023
- 2023 sessions and other meetings
- 2018 sessions and other meetings
- 2017 sessions and other meetings
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- 2015 sessions and other meetings
- Compendiums of decisions
- Reports of sessions
- Key Documents
- Useful Links
Commission on the Status of Women
- Commission on the Status of Women
- Brief history
- CSW snapshot
CSW64 / Beijing+25 (2023)
- CSW64 / Beijing+25 (2023)
- Preparations
- Official Documents
- Side Events
- Session Outcomes
CSW63 (2023)
- CSW63 (2023)
- Preparations
- Official Documents
- Official Meetings
- Side Events
- Session Outcomes
CSW62 (2018)
- CSW62 (2018)
- Preparations
- Official Documents
- Official Meetings
- Side Events
- Session Outcomes
Previous sessions
- Previous sessions
- CSW61 (2017)
- CSW60 (2016)
- CSW59 / Beijing+20 (2015)
- CSW58 (2014)
- CSW57 (2013)
- Member States
NGO participation
- NGO participation
- Eligibility
- Registration
- Opportunities for NGOs to address the Commission
- Accessibility
- NGO advisories
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- Outcomes
Trust funds
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Fund for Gender Equality
- Fund for Gender Equality
- Our model
- Grant making
- Accompaniment and growth
- 电脑ssr软件
- Knowledge and learning
- Social innovation
- Join us
- Materials
- UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women
Get involved
- Get involved
- Generation Equality
- About Generation Equality
- Generation Equality Forum
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- Toolkit
About UN Women
- ‘One Woman’ – The UN Women song
- Executive Director
- Deputy Executive Director for Normative Support, UN System Coordination and Programme Results
- Deputy Executive Director for Resource Management, Sustainability and Partnerships
- Governance
- Guiding documents
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- Evaluation
- 电脑版ssr如何使用
- Report wrongdoing
- Internship programme
- UN Women Alumni Association
- Procurement principles
- Gender-responsive procurement
- Doing business with UN Women
- Becoming a UN Women vendor
- Contract templates and general conditions of contract
- 电脑ssr软件
- Contact us
About UN Women
What we do
Leadership and political participation
- Facts and figures
- Global norms and standards
- Women’s movements
- Parliaments and local governance
- Constitutions and legal reform
- Elections
- Media
Economic empowerment
- 电脑ssr软件
- Global Norms and Standards
- Macroeconomic policies and social protection
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- Rural women
- Employment and migration
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- Facts and figures
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- Global norms and standards
- Passing and implementing effective laws and policies
- Services for all women
- Increasing knowledge and awareness
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- Focusing on prevention to stop the violence
- UNiTE campaign
- Spokesperson on Addressing Sexual Harassment
Peace and security
- Facts and figures
- Global norms and standards
- Conflict prevention and resolution
- Building and sustaining peace
- 怎样在电脑上下载手游阴阳师:2021-6-15 · 怎样在电脑上下载 手游阴阳师相关资料 阴阳师手游新手快速升级攻略 阴阳师手游新手快速升级攻略,在游戏中很多玩家发现别人都已经20多级了,自己才5、6级,那么要怎么升级快呢?下面就跟随游民小编一起来了解一下吧。阴阳师手游新手快速 ...
- Rule of law: Justice and security
- Women, peace, and security in the work of the UN Security Council
- Preventing violent extremism and countering terrorism
- Planning and monitoring
Humanitarian action
- Facts and figures
- Global norms and standards
- Humanitarian coordination
- Crisis response and recovery
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- Strengthening young women's leadership
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- Action on ending violence against young women and girls
- Engaging boys and young men in gender equality
Governance and national planning
- Facts and figures
- Global norms and standards
- Inclusive National Planning
- Public Sector Reform
- Tracking Investments
- Sustainable development agenda
- Facts and figures
- Global norms and standards
- Leadership and Participation
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- Access to Justice
Leadership and political participation
Where we are
- Regional and country offices
Americas and the Caribbean
- Regional and Country Offices
Arab States/North Africa
- Regional and country offices
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- Regional and country offices
Europe and Central Asia
- Regional and Country Offices
- Liaison offices
How we work
Flagship programme initiatives
- Flagship programme: Making Every Woman and Girl Count
- Programme implementation
- UN Women Global Innovation Coalition for Change
Intergovernmental support
- Commission on the Status of Women
- Climate change and the environment
- High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development
- Major resolutions
- Other Intergovernmental Processes
- World Conferences on Women
UN system coordination
- Global Coordination
- Regional and country coordination
- Gender Mainstreaming
- Promoting UN accountability
- 电脑ssr软件
- UN Coordination Library
Gender parity in the United Nations
- System-wide strategy
- Gender Focal Points and Focal Points for Women
- Data and statistics
- Laws and policies
- Strategies and tools
- Reports and monitoring
- Other resources
Training for gender equality and women's empowerment
- Training Centre services
Research and data
- Publications
Flagship programme initiatives
Government partners
- Top government partners
- Core resources
- 电脑下载ssr
- Contribution trends
- Frequently asked questions
- National mechanisms
Civil society
- Civil Society Advisory Groups
Businesses and philanthropies
- Benefits of partnering with UN Women
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- Danai Gurira
- Nicole Kidman
- Anne Hathaway
- Marta Vieira da Silva
- Emma Watson
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- Princess Bajrakitiyabha Mahidol
- Tong Dawei
- Jaha Dukureh
- Muniba Mazari
- Sania Mirza
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- Hai Qing
- UN Women Media Compact
Government partners
News and events
- News
- 电脑版ssr如何使用
In Focus
- Gender equality matters in COVID-19 response
- Generation Equality Action Pack, March 2023
- International Women’s Day
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- Generation Equality action pack, January 2023
- Generation Equality action pack, December 2023
- Generation Equality action pack, November 2023: Generation Equality Stands against Rape
- Women, peace and security
- Generation Equality action pack, October 2023
- International Day of Rural Women
- International Day of the Girl Child
- 74th session of the UN General Assembly
- World Humanitarian Day
- International Youth Day
- International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples
- World Refugee Day
- Women and girls in sport
- 电脑ssr软件
- CSW63
- CSW62
- Women and the SDGs
- In Focus: Climate action by, and for, women
- Indigenous women’s rights and activism
- Empowering women to conserve our oceans
- CSW61
- Women refugees and migrants
- CSW60
- Financing: Why it matters for women and girls
- Engaging Men
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- 电脑版ssr如何使用
- Strengthening Women’s Access to Justice
- Events
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Digital library
- Publications
- Multimedia
- Annual report
- SDG monitoring report
- Progress of the world’s women
- 怎样在电脑上下载手游阴阳师:2021-6-15 · 怎样在电脑上下载 手游阴阳师相关资料 阴阳师手游新手快速升级攻略 阴阳师手游新手快速升级攻略,在游戏中很多玩家发现别人都已经20多级了,自己才5、6级,那么要怎么升级快呢?下面就跟随游民小编一起来了解一下吧。阴阳师手游新手快速 ...
- Reprint permissions
- GenderTerm

Women are demonstrating their leadership in the response to COVID-19 worldwide. UN Women’s new policy briefs show how to ensure a gender-responsive recovery. Learn more

During the COVID-19 lockdown in Palestine, some former partners took advantage of the legal paralysis to prevent mothers from seeing their children or to stop sending alimony. Learn more

In Nepal, a woman-managed quarantine centre tends to women’s unique needs
One quarantine centre, fully managed by women, is responding to women's needs, including supplying dignity kits and facilitating access to women’s shelters. Learn more

The COVID-19 pandemic underscores society’s reliance on women both on the front line and at home, while simultaneously exposing structural inequalities across every sphere. Explore the varied impacts and take a quiz to test your knowledge. Learn more


In Focus: Gender equality matters in COVID-19 response
The COVID-19 pandemic is not just a health issue. It is a profound shock to our societies and economies, and women are at the heart of care and response efforts underway. UN Women is bringing up-to-date information and analysis on how and why gender matters in COVID-19 response. More
The Shadow Pandemic: Violence against women during COVID-19
Since the outbreak of COVID-19, emerging data and reports from those on the front lines, have shown that all types of violence against women and girls, particularly domestic violence, has intensified. This is the Shadow Pandemic growing amidst the COVID-19 crisis and we need a global collective effort to stop it. More
COVID-19 and gender monitor
Gender must be integrated in COVID-19 response plans, not only to achieve better outcomes for women and girls, but to build stronger and more resilient economies and societies for everyone. Hosted on UN Women’s Data Hub, this dashboard is a compilation of indicators that will inform gender-responsive policy action on COVID-19. It is an inter-agency collaboration that has benefitted from the inputs of ILO, ITU, UNCTAD, UNDP, UN-Habitat, UNHCR, UNICEF, UNODC, UN Women, WFP, WHO and many others. More
UN Women response to COVID-19 crisis
UN Women has developed rapid and targeted response to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on women and girls and to ensure that the long-term recovery benefits them. UN Women’s response to COVID-19 includes policy advice and programmatic interventions and is part of the broader UN-wide response. More
COVID-19: emerging gender data
The COVID-19 pandemic is causing untold human suffering and is likely to heighten gender-based inequalities around the world. UN Women is working with partners to bridge the gender data gap and deliver a more accurate picture of the gender dimension to the response so that it can be more effective for women and girls. For gender-related data on COVID-19 visit this page. More
Gender equality is a right. Fulfilling this right is the best chance we have in meeting some of the most pressing challenges of our time—from economic crisis and lack of health care, to climate change, violence against women and escalating conflicts. Check out new data, stories, videos and more illustrating how and why gender equality matters across all the Sustainable Development Goals. ssr 下载
Featured publication
COVID-19 and conflict: Advancing women’s meaningful participation in ceasefires and peace processes
This brief addresses the importance of women’s full, equal, and meaningful participation to an effective pandemic response and to peacemaking efforts, and how the women, peace and security (WPS) agenda can provide a critical framework for inclusive decision-making and sustainable solutions. -
Policy brief: The impact of COVID-19 on women
Across every sphere, from health to the economy, security to social protection, the impacts of COVID-19 are exacerbated for women and girls simply by virtue of their sex. This policy brief explores how women and girls’ lives are changing in the face of COVID-19, and outlines suggested priority measures to accompany both the immediate response and longer-term recovery efforts.

Latest news
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03/08/2023Shining a Spotlight on Mexico’s pandemic heroines
03/08/2023Press release: UN Women launches new UK chapter of advertising alliance to fight gender-based stereotypes in the industry
使用ssr退出后,电脑能连上无线网,但是不能上网的解决 ...:2021-4-20 · 我的电脑是windows 10系统,前几天使用ssr后,不知道是ssr退出方式不对还是怎么了,在之后电脑能连接上无线网,但是网络时有时无,无的时间多,及其不稳定,后来尝试了几种方法才解决了这 …Press release: UN Women and Inter-American Development Bank urge governments to integrate gender as a catalyst for economic recovery (COVID-19) in the Caribbean
29/07/2023In Yemen, women face added challenges posed by COVID-19 amidst ongoing armed conflict

04/08/2023Webinar: Sexual harassment and kaleidoscopic justice
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Charting the future: more equal, inclusive and sustainable

In her remarks at the closing of the 64th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women, UN Women Executive Director Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka highlighted the need to work together to continue implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action, and put gender perspectives centre-stage in order to build back better. More

Featured video

Nicole Kidman: "Play your role in ending violence against women"
UN Women Goodwill Ambassador and Academy-Award winning actor Nicole Kidman raises awareness on ending violence against women during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.